I have myself some fears. Some fears are small & silly (fear of bin juice*) and some are big & real (fear of choking on a peanut M&M). In the spirit of (over)sharing, but mostly just to enter a blogging competition to promote the launch of Love with a Chance of Drowning (a book which inspired the shit out of me) I will be talking here in too much detail about some of my fears. I decided it wouldn’t be a productive use of anyone’s time if I rambled on for 10,000 words about the 490 things that scare me. People might also get bored and go back to stalking their exes on Facebook, which is just never a good idea. So to narrow the list (and the length of this post) down, I decided to enter these fears into the Miss Universe Fear Pageant. This involved my fears parading around in swimsuits & evening gowns and answering important questions about role models & World Peace. After several hours & 98 cans of hair spray, a winner and two runners-up (in case the winner got knocked up or went to jail) were crowned: Miss Universe: Miss Fear of Writing a Book First Princess: Miss Fear of Not Writing a Book Second Princess: Miss Fear of the Scary Homeless Lady From the High Street Explanation for those who don’t[...]