I recently became the proud owner of a tattoo, and in the same week, got a drastic hair cut & dye job. A friend of mine called me on it and demanded to know if I was going through a mid-life crisis. When I hear the term ‘mid-life crisis’, I think of an elderly gentleman in a small sports car too close to the ground. So I did some Googling research and found something more fitting, which also didn’t involve me having to wear a toupee or marry a cocktail waitress named Tiffani: A Quarter-Life Crisis is a crisis that may be experienced in one’s twenties, involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one’s life. (Courtesy of the freedictionary.com). Even without ink and a set of bangs I think I would probably qualify; having quit a good job, sold all my shit & peaced out to family and friends to travel the world due to the aforementioned life direction anxiety. I thought that calling it a crisis was a bit dramatic though. So I did some more Googling research and apparently ‘pickle’ is a synonym for crisis, which I much prefer. And taking this, 78 steps further, a pickle is a type of gherkin therefore a crisis could also be a gherkin? No? Yes? Who wants a burger[...]