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I Can Like To Be Having My Blog Hacked On The Interweb (Wif A Belt)

Dear Reader, I recently found myself the target of blog hacking. Apparently by Islamists. People have asked me why but I am really not sure. It could be for any number of reasons really: their fear of the awesome, my questionable punctuation, their hatred of cake or my excessive use of the word toolbag, which I suppose in its literal translation is a penis bag, or possibly if I take it a bit further, a bag of penises – which would be irregular in any religion (except for maybe Scientology). No matter. I have chosen to take the high road and turn the other cheek. Especially since they have given me a valid excuse for my not blogging for the past 40 days and 40 nights, or thereabouts. I WISH I could have been posting regularly & hilariously but Islamists carried out a jihad on my blog. But really the reason is that I have become a tad lazy and would rather drink beer and also because I am suffering from self-diagnosed writers block. With regards to the aforementioned writers block, I think I have narrowed it down to 2 issues: I attempt long posts when I think instead I should be writing shorter posts – as if my reader were a 5 year old boy whose Mum steals his[...]

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